underwater photography of great white sharks, dolphins, divers and other marine life by Stephen Brunson
underwater photography of great white sharks, dolphins, divers and other marine life by Stephen Brunson underwater photography of great white sharks, dolphins, seals, divers and other marine creatures underwater photography of great white sharks and dolphins by Stephen Brunson Award winning underwater photography of great white sharks and dolphins by Stephen Brunson All about underwater photographer Stephen Brunson underwater photography of great white sharks, dolphins, divers and other marine life by Stephen Brunson free screensavers, free wallpaper, free animations, free images Underwater links and reciprocal link exchange
Angel Fish and Colorful Coral Reefs
Limited Edition Signed color photography for sale by Stephen Brunson.
Stock photography for publication, commercial use and all other media for sale.

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Emperor Angel -  Pomacanthus imperator, feeds upon sponges, tunicates, algae, and small invertebrates      Pomacanthus imperator - commonly called Angelfish      Emperor angelfish belong to the group Pomacanthidae      Queen angelfish are colored differently as juveniles      French angelfish belong to the group Pomacanthidae

As with most angelfish, the french angel looks very different in its juvenile stage      The Queen and Blue Angelfishes commonly hybridize, producing offspring mixed in appearance      Queen angelfish are found From Florida to Brazil, including The Caribbean, Bahamas, West Indies and the Florida Keys      Queen angelfish are active during the day and often lethargic at night      The Rock Beauty, Holacanthus tricolor, lives in shallow water over coral and rocky reefs

The saddleback butterflyfish is found all about Micronesia and Australia, and tropical waters from Hawaii to Japan      the Rock Beauty angelfish feeds upon sponges, tunicates, and algae      Angelfishes differ from butterfly fishes in having a spine near the lower edge of the gill cover      King Angelfish inhabit Shallow coral reefs and walls in depths of 100 feet or less      Queen angelfish are very aggressive and very territorial

The Clarion Angelfish is found along the Gulf of California and much of the central Eastern Pacific, including San Benedicto Island      French angelfish are generally Peaceful and not agressive      Angelfish have a life span of approximately 15 years      Angelfish feed on sponges, algae, and small invertebrates, such as bryozoans, zoantharians, gorgonians and tunicates      The Regal Angelfish is abundant in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, and can be found as far away as Egypt

The Garibaldi, Hypsypops rubicundus, a very territorial fish, is the official fish of the state of California, and is protected by law      The Garibaldi is a member of the damselfish/angelfish family, and exhibits many of the same characteristics of the Emporer Angel, aggressively defending its eggs and feeding grounds      Groupers are highly valued food fishes. Besides the Nassau Grouper, species commonly fished in the West Indies and the United States, include the red grouper, the rock hind, and the warsaw grouper      The Garibaldi inhabits Rocky reefs and Kelp forests to 16 fathoms      Garibaldi spawn from March though July and they are very aggressive and very territorial with food and eggs
